Privacy Policy



Lian Hua Seng Sdn Bhd (hereinafter referred to as the “LHS ”, “our”, “us”, “we”, “Happy Rice”, “LHSSB”), related and affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as the “LHS Group”) are committed to observe the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the “PDPA”), which regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions. This Privacy Notice explains how LHSSB collects and processes your personal data in accordance with the Act.



  1. Your personal data and other information that identifies you as an individual (such as name, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number) including sensitive personal data as defined in the Act (collectively, “Personal Data”) which you provide or have provided  to us, including any additional information which you may subsequently provide, for the access, use or purchase of products and/or services  advertised, featured, listed or sold by LHSSB whether or not on our e-commerce platform [collectively referred to Our Website, “”  referred to as the “Site”), may be processed and used by LHSSB.
  2. In order to process and use your Personal Data, your consent is required. If you do not consent to the processing of your Personal Data, we may not be able to process your Personal Data for any of the Purposes defined herein and/or we will not be able to process your access, use or purchase of products and/or services advertised, featured, listed or sold by LHSSB whether or not on our website and/or approve your application to be a registered customer of LHSSB. However, where you have provided your Personal Data to us, you shall be deemed to have consented to provide your Personal Data to us.
  3. Your consent that is given pursuant to this Privacy Notice is additional to and does not supersede any other consent that you had provided to LHSSB with regards to processing of your Personal Data.



Your Personal Data may be used and processed by LHSSB for the following purposes (collectively “Purposes”):

  • To administer, facilitate, assess and process your request for the access, use and/or purchase of our products and/or services advertised, featured, sold or listed by Happy Rice and/or our business partners (including without limitation our suppliers, vendors, sellers, merchants, partners, collectively “Business Partners”) on our Website or otherwise;
  • To process, assess and/or register you as a customer of LHSSB and/or to deal with, process, and/or administer the account that you may open with us to facilitate your transactions or activities on our Website;
  • To issue you such documents that may be relevant to the contract or order between us;
  • To manage and administer your records;
  • To facilitate or enable any checks that we conduct or by any third party on you from time to time;
  • Monitoring, processing and/or tracking your use of the Site in order to provide you with a seamless experience, facilitating or administering your use of the Site, and/or to assist us in improving your experience in using the Site;
  • To carry out your instructions or responding to any enquiry given by (or purported to be given by) you or on your behalf;
  • To provide product and services or information to you as our account holder, as our customer, or when requested by you;
  • To process your application, orders and payment transactions, administering, facilitating, processing and/or dealing in any transactions or activities carried out by you on or through the Our Website including implementing transactions and the supply of products and/or services to you that you have requested or purchased from Our Website and/or our Business Partners;
  • To assist any government agencies or bureaus or bodies including for the purposes of police or regulatory investigations;
  • To facilitate your compliance with any laws or regulations applicable to you;
  • To communicate with you and responding to your enquiries;
  • Conducting our internal activities, internal market surveys and trend analysis; or such other purposes as may be related to the foregoing.
  • To implement and maintain our information technology systems, including to store and process Personal Data in computer databases and servers located within and outside Malaysia;
  • If relevant, for other purposes which are incidental and/or associated with any of the above.


Your personal data may be disclosed to related companies under Lian Hua Seng Group and Lian Hua Seng Sdn Bhd, all governmental and/or quasi-governmental departments and/or agencies, regulatory and/or statutory bodies, our auditors, our banks, our business partners and/or service providers and any other third party that you have requested or authorized us to disclose your personal data to for the above purposes or for any other purposes for which your personal data was to be disclosed at the time of its collection or any other purposes directly related to any of the above purposes.


Your Personal Data may also be transferred to locations outside Malaysia and stored in any server located in Malaysia or outside Malaysia, for any of the Purposes as stated in this Privacy Notice.



We respect your privacy and take seriously the trust you place in us, and we follow strict guidelines for protecting the security of your Personal Data. We utilize appropriate policies and procedures to safeguard the Personal Data collected, to maintain data accuracy, to ensure appropriate use of the Personal Data and to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of the same.



We will retain your personal data for a reasonable period in accordance with legal requirements and statutory obligations. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that all your personal data is destroyed or permanently deleted as soon as it is reasonable to assume that (i) the Purposes for which the personal data was collected is no longer being served by the retention of such personal data; and (ii) retention is no longer necessary for any other legal, or business purpose.



You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data you provide us is accurate, complete and not misleading and that such personal data is kept up to date. We will not be responsible for relying on inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data arising from you not updating us of any changes in your Personal Data that you had initially provided us with.




As accorded by the Act, you have the right to request access and correction to the Personal Data which we hold about you. In general, and subject to certain exemptions, you are entitled to request access to your Personal Data, including for copies of the same, for which we may impose upon you the payment of a prescribed fee.


You may at any time hereafter make inquiries, complaints and request for access to, or correction of, your Personal Data or limit the processing of your Personal Data by via email to the address as below:-

Lian Hua Seng Sdn Bhd (Happy Rice)

RE: Personal Data Protection

Email address:


We may refuse to comply with your request for access or correction to your personal data and if we refuse to comply with such request, we will inform you of our refusal and reason for our refusal.


You may limit the processing of your Personal Data in the manner as follows:

In relation to any advertising and marketing activities which LHSSB may carry out in future, you may exercise your opt-out rights by requesting LHSSB by written notice (in accordance with the following paragraph) not to process your Personal Data for any of the following:

  • sending to you via post any advertising or marketing material relating to any product or service of LHSSB or those of our related corporations and/or our business partners;
  • sending to you via email or SMS any advertising or marketing material relating to any product or service of LHSSB or those of our related corporations and/or our business partners; or
  • communicating to you by whatever means any advertising or marketing material of LHSSB or those of our related corporations and/or our business partners.


As part of our efforts to ensure that we properly manage, protect and process your Personal Data, we may/will be reviewing our policies, procedures and processes from time to time.


This Privacy Notice may be amended at any time from time to time. Any amendment to this Privacy Notice shall be published or posted on Our Website and/or communicated to you by such means as we deem fit. Your continued usage of any of our products and/or services or Our Website shall be deemed to be your agreement to the said amendment of this Privacy Notice.